Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Peeling Paint on Grand Rue, New Paint in the Nursery

peeling paint in france
The weather here in France is fabulous, a real Indian Summer however it's not conducive to decorating which is what I am doing at the moment. My little French granddaughter will be born before I get back here so I am getting her nursery ready. Here's some photographs Harvey took of a house in the village. Shabby, not chic but very, very beautiful.
peeling paint in france
peeling paint in france


Mélanie A. said...

I want to see the nursery

beauty comma said...

yes, french shutters... i always photograph shutters when i'm in france, especially the ones with peeling paint =)

vosgesparis said...

How great you are becoming a grandmother ;) While starting to read I haf to think about that little song back in the seventies.. L'ete Indien by Joe Dassin I think it was ;)
Shutters look beautiful But you know by now I like this kind of worn things.