Monday, October 11, 2010

Designers Block Goes To France - Day 2

sunday in france
Arrived safe and sound in the land of fine food and gorgeous landscapes. It was time to deliver the 30 Drawer Chest to Tara (Paris Parfait). Isn't it FABULOUS? Charlotte, our daughter lives on the East side of Paris, Tara on the West side. Now looking at the
sunday in france
map of la Peripherique you would think - well that's no bother. Well let me tell you I would not drive on that road for a gold cow. Charlotte however is a seasoned Parisian driver and the fact that we had an expensive piece of furniture on the roof didn't phase her at all. Of course there was an accident, a must for every trip around Paris and we were held up but
sunday in france
every time we slide up that slip road into the Bois de Boulogne I forget everything that has gone before. It's like another world. Waiting to greet us at the end of our journey were Tara and David with yet again loads of goodies for Charlotte to take home and for Harvey and I. These two are THE most generous people I have ever met. Downsizing and moving to Amsterdam next Spring means they are looking for good homes for a lot of their treasures and I am sure they know by now they their pieces are in 2 of the most appreciative homes they could find.
sunday in france
Not only did we receive their treasures but I got this fabulous Birthday present from Tara and I already have my
sunday in france
favourite spread. I could look at this for an age.
Lunch was served by resident chef David and it was DELICIOUS with a capital every letter!!!! I mean how lucky can one get, good company, sunshine, great food, loads of gifts and seeing my best blogging mate again. However there was a tinge of sadness when I realised that I may never cross that particular threshold again. Amsterdam here we come.

Charlotte was the very fortunate recipient of a Limoges Dinner Service and those antique asparagus plates, look at the little shell shaped dipping dish, I am now officially in love with an asparagus plate.
Everyone should have a Tara in their life. She is one of those people that forces you to remember that there are lovely people in this crazy world of ours.
There is even more but it's still in boxes, I will show you later. Stay tuned.


stencil helen said...

Di, You'll love visiting Tara in Amsterdam too. I found lovely shops, cafes, houses and everywhere I looked was another photograph

Gill said...

Sounds brilliant! You are a good friend to deliver such a large piece of furniture across country!

Sarah @ Natural History said...

That is a spectacular piece of furniture - lucky, lucky Tara! I'm sorry to hear that she is leaving Paris but I look forward to reading what she has to say about life in Amsterdam (and I'm sure she won't miss La Poste!).

vicki archer said...

Glad you had a fabulous time Di...and that you negotiated that mighty peripherique...xv