Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm Back From a Fractured France

France is not very well at all. Though we had a great time visiting our newly pregnant daughter and her partner we were well aware of the problems France is facing at the moment.
french strikes
Strikes meant no travelling into the centre of Paris this time,
slow internet
Charlotte's internet connection was temporary and VERY slow. On the last day it was repaired and went like sh*t off a shovel, just my luck.
empty paris petrol station
During the last few days the strikers closed down the refineries causing us to drive at two miles a fortnight on all journeys for fear of running out of diesel to get us home. The queues at the petrol stations were unbelievable.
vintage paint brushes
I did however decorate 5 rooms in 3 days at Charlotte's house. One being the nursery for our new little Granddaughter due in February. Photos will follow when Charlotte gets around to taking them.
lizy sur ourcq
On the last 2 days we visited a fabulous Depot Vente and an exceptional brocante in the little town of Lizy-Sur-Ourcq. Above is the Moulin in the town, shabby and charming all at the same time.
paris brocantes for ghost furniture
Here are some of the pieces we picked up including lots of lovely pieces given to us by the lovely Tara (Paris Parfait) and
paris brocantes for ghost furniture
some more. I LOVE getting it all home and deciding what to do with it before it graces the pages of Ghost Furniture. Speaking of home, after a long drive, stopping off in Notting Hill at the Mydeco offices and West Hampstead to see a customer, we returned to our cosy cottage to find that
cold cottage
it wasn't cosy at all as we had run out of LPG for our central heating. I slept with my clothes on!!!!


Jan said...

Just as well you're a tough old broad Di — Welcome home!

(er I don't mean old old, oh you know what I mean)

Anonymous said...

Ghost furniture, brilliant. I am going to use this term from now on.
X David, NYC

*Chic Provence* said...

Oh the TV is full of it...million people in the streets..oh well, if you had to be stuck I guess it was nice to be with daughter and at least near Paris and managed to get to the brocante which wild horses couldn't have kept me away from if I were there!

glad you are home safe and sound


Glamour Drops said...

Your images really belt home your words with humour! Fabulous insight.

vicki archer said...

Glad you are home safe and sound with all your goodies Di.....xv