Thursday, August 14, 2014

An Ache There Is No Drug For

After a 3 1/2 year battle with cancer my partner of 30 years, Harvey, passed away at 12.10am on Tuesday 22nd July. My life will never be the same. He was surrounded by me our children and slipped away peacefully at home. 

We sat with him for over a week, laughing, eating, drinking and crying. He died a happy man and for that we are all thankful. Nurses and carers came each day and their compassion and support was beyond description. 

We gave him a send off that he would have totally approved of. His coffin was topped with an arrangement made to look like a wild flower meadow and his signature Black Fedora Hat that he always wore. 

As you can see by the Invitation (above) it was a celebration of his life and was full of tears and much laughter. We held the celebration in the local Village Hall and it was attended by over 200 people. Our granddaughter Georgia, who is a singer songwriter over in LA recorded Smile by Nat King Cole and sent it over to be played. Her beautiful voice held a cry that was evident to everyone and tissues were being passed around furiously.
Our son provided a garden bench and everyone was asked to write a message on it. 

The plaque says it all about the man it was for. He had humour in bucket loads. The bench now sits on the green outside our cottage for all to enjoy.
Our grandchildren all wrote messages for their Granddad and hung them from balloons which they let off from the hill opposite the Village Hall. What a beautiful sight that was. 

The Village Hall, our friends and community all pulled together to provide food, drink and support to make it a day to remember and we cannot thank them enough. 

Now I am left with an ache that there is no drug for, only time will take it away. I am not making any hasty decisions just letting time slip by as I adjust to my new life. With the support of our wonderful family, friends and community I will do this, as Harvey would have expected me to.  


Unknown said...

Sending a *hug*. take care xxx

Sarah said...

Oh Di, I'm so very, very sorry.

Ilva said...

All my love to you!

Lynne Rutter said...

What a lovely tribute. I especially like the balloons! My deepest condolences on your loss, and my sympathy. I've been so much this year, myself, dealing with death-- lost my geriatric parrot, my former father in law, my own father, and my mother in law, and even my car, all in the space of a few months. How dare death take your man!? That's just too greedy. I say, F*ck Death and the Horse it rode in on.

Lynne Rutter said...

sorry, you don't have to publish that comment; that was for you.

PP@pimpmybricks said...

From across the world and from someone you don't know, much sympathy and warm feeling.

Portraits by NC said...

It is always very hard to let go but our loved ones will always be with us in memory. I often think of you and wish you strength in this difficult time.

Avril said...

I have read your blog for a long time and wondered at your absence. What a sad time. My good wishes to you for the next healing bit of time. Avril

Marjolein said...

Warmest wishes to you from someone who looks in on you every now and then. Keep going with what you do so well and he will look down and say; "That's my girl"! XX

Madeleine said...

I'm so sorry to learn of your loss, stay strong.