Tuesday, June 05, 2007

It Was An Electric Fire

art deco electric fire
Well done Kenju who said it could be some sort of electric heater (for a patio) but I will give you it. It's actually an art deco electric fire. I quite like it.


Anonymous said...

Is that safe? I'm not even sure how it works :P

Queenie said...

I was way out. Love this Di can we have more?

Deb @ Beholder's Eye said...

Bugger! I was going to say that, and forgot to comment....!! It's scrummy.

Anonymous said...

Well all be darn. That sure fooled me.

kenju said...

I'm thrilled to be (semi)right!! What do I win? LOL

Anonymous said...

I like it.

Parisbreakfasts said...

I never would have guessed...
Looks like a broche to me
Are you sure it's not a broche?
How do I spell broache/brouch
A pin

paris parfait said...

Very nicely disguised.