Thursday, June 07, 2007

Excuse Me While I Get Changed

If anything looks strange here it's because I am changing the layout of my site. Bear with me and be stunned when you see me in my new outfit (I hope).


Queenie said...

Hurry, I can't wait to see what you do...

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to it Di!

Unknown said...

You're hysterical!

paris parfait said...

You always come up with great things. Speaking of, went to Saint Sulpice - a few good things; not as interesting as usual. But I did get some great photos. And I saw the French actor Vincent Lindon - but this being France and privacy an issue, I couldn't impose on him for a photograph. Sigh.

Julie at Belle Vivir said...

looking forward to see your new and renovated site. I know it'll be beautiful as the current one.

savvycityfarmer said...

I'm lovin this~~ can't wait to see your new dress.

Anonymous said...

oh la-la. This is just beautiful! I love your new banner and portrait.
Congratulations! Beautiful work.
perhaps you can tell me how you make an image click through with a link.
I am on blogger too and can not figure it out on the side bar as well as in a post.