Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Best Place to Eat in Paris - 2 Reasons

brasserie lipp and armani
See that street corner is the top picture? Well you will see Brasserie Lipp there? This, in my humble opinion, is the best place to eat in Paris. Not because of the food as that is pretty average but it is a Parisian institution and you can people watch inside for hours and never get bored. If you do get bored however right next door is a massive Emprio Armani so you can leave the old man in Brasserie Lipp whilst you go and mooch around Armani to your hearts content. No having to watch him roll his eyes or listen to him puff and pant because he's bored.
One final thing that fantastic church is right across the street and I never tire of its beauty.
the church of the cross st german paris


Queenie said...


Anonymous said...

Paris cafes, people watching and a lovely church covered in green foliage on a busy Parisian street? I am so envious!