Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Beam Me Up Scotty

Hotel Particulier arles
Coming back from Paris is never easy. For one I miss my little girl who lives there, two I miss the food, three I miss PARIS and FRANCE and the way of life there and lastly THE WEATHER!
I have returned to the most dismal weather. I am sitting here with a pair of thick cashmere socks on to keep my feet warm. What happened to global warming?
Anyway I digress. This is where I would love to be at the moment Hotel Particulier in Arles, France. I will just have to make do with the pictures.
Actually whilst I am typing this the Queen is riding into Ascot in an open top carriage with the sun beating down on her (it's on TV). Is this fair?
Hotel Particulier arles


Queenie said...

I should have been going to Ascot with friends, but as you know I've had to decline this year. So thanks for the photos, they cheered me up.
So pleased you had a great time, I'm sure you will back very soon!!

Jen of MadeByGirl said...

SO JEALOUS, you get to go to PARIS so often!

Gypsy Purple said...

I cannot agree more!!!!!!!!

Love this pic!!!!

Anonymous said...

Its cold here in Melbourne,Australia too. Love your blog. I wish I lived close to Paris!