It's a box of cakes and

these aren't make up palettes they are cookies and even the brushes are edible

This is not a savoury it's a CAKE and

this is simply beautiful. Now this is what I call talent. All made by Rosie of Sweetapolita who I gather is a good friend of Vanessa Valencia my lovely friend who designed one of my blog headers. There is some talent in the circle of friends.
Wow. She could have been a baker for Marie Antoinette. The asparagus looks stunning and the gold brie looking one looks delicious. Of course I would want a set of the edible paint brush and palette. Very clever.
Beautiful but she lives in Canada, darn it.
that artichoke cake is unlike anything i've ever seen before. almost too beautiful to eat. thanks for sharing!
lovely i want all
je veux tout tout miam miam
Wow, these are amazing and that last cake is a work of art (well they all are)! Hoping you are enjoying a wonderful weekend Di!
xo Mary Jo
I notice that she provides recipes/instructions too!
If only I had the capabilities.
just divine !
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