Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Found On Flickr - Andy McGowan

grand union little venice
Grand Union Little Venice
Andy McGowan works on Eurostar from what I can gather and whilst journeying and relaxing he takes wonderful pictures. I have no idea what he does with them but the end product is fabulous.
beer cellar leeds castle
Beer Cellar Leeds Castle
floods under the underground
Floods Below the Underground
ightham mote
Ightham Mote


stencil helen said...

They are quite lovely.
I hope all is fabulous with you. We MUST try and get together before Christmas.

Barbara said...

I always find the most lovely images on your blog. Great job at finding them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for blogging some of my shots from Flickr. However I am no longer using Flickr I am posting my shots on my own web site now www.andymcgowan.co.uk