I did a very foolish thing not long ago - I got roped in to being the event organiser at our Village Hall. Now I would be lying if I said I don't enjoy it but it being the run up to Christmas I am mad busy with Ghost Furniture and I have a Christmas Fair to orgainise for 5th December.
Now I will get to the point. I am making stacks of decorations to cheer the hall up and setting up a Vintage Tea Room totally in White so whilst I gather DIY tips I will try to share them with you. Number 1 - Lighted Paper Pendants. Go here for instructions.

Very pretty and dainty.
I too took on a Holiday Marketplace planning project for an entreprenuer class I belong to. And like you, think I have lost my mind. I have my own product to make for my business, am the coordinator and idea person for this Marketplace, and then need to make product to sell at my booth at this marketplace.
They say that the busiest people are the ones that take on the new projects. I think they are right. Where do we keep finding the time?
Best of luck with your adventure.
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