Friday, October 01, 2010

At Home This Weekend

at home this weekend
I will be working this weekend and as I work from home it's important to look up and see nice things around me. I set up this area on an old console purchased from a Depot Vente in Paris. I love the way the light makes everything look surreal.
at home this weekend
A huge mirror made from reclaimed railway sleepers has the ordnance survey number of our hamlet stencilled on it.
at home this weekend
Two chairs - work in progress for Ghost Furniture
at home this weekend
This huge leather chair sits next to my desk and I tend to keep little accessories, to be used for Ghost Furniture, on it. I ironed that vintage lace yesterday and it took me over an hour.
Have a fabulous weekend from a very wet and windy Northumberland.


Alex with Attic Antics said...

I'm the same way, especially when I have to tackle a big or new project: my work space needs to be clean and tidy and visually inviting. Love yours – hope you have a productive weekend! (I have to work, too :(

stencil helen said...

I'm working too and had been sidetracked earlier this morning taking pictures around the place.

Congratulations to you all,especially Charlotte...Grande Mere
and thank you for posting the lavender drink from FrenchKissed, yet another use for my lavender garden. Got loads to tell you when we are less busy.

Consultant SEO Services said...

Very impressive pictures, particularly last chair .... Next resource as Global Interior Design - Interior Design London

Mélanie A. said...

It is so good to be home

Interior Design London said...

Hi Di!! I liked all your pictures specially the wooden colored sofa picture. I guess you're very creative designer and it can be seen in your designs.