Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ask Terence Conran a Question

ask sir terence conran a question
16th September 2010 will always be a very important date for me personally. I interviewed Sir Terence Conran, the man who changed shopping for the masses forever, the man who has influenced each and every one of us and now you can ask him a question.
Just leave your question here (in the comments section) and The Conran Shop and myself will choose 2 from the list to be put to Sir Terence. I will be posting a link to the Questions and Answers on the Conran Blog - Talking Shop - when they are ready.
Go on don't be shy, he is lovely, believe me.
ask sir terence conran a question
I was a little shocked the other day to find myself on Youtube (that's a first) interviewing Sir Terence as part of a film done on the evening of the interview.


sheris white said...

We have a round white pedestal table in our kitchen that we bought in 1967. I would love to have some of the chairs shown on Youtube.

Jan said...

Maybe you could ask Sir Terence if he ever cooked using a chicken brick.
Or maybe not.