My lovely friend Claudia of The Paris Apartment, who I first met back in May in Paris, has created this genius App for the iPhone. I for one know how hard it is to keep all those flea markets and brocantes of Paris in one's head. Claudia I applaud you and don't forget to bring it to Paris when we meet up in September.
I would happily buy an iPhone but live in such a remote place that I can't get a signal. It has huge advantages but in this case a huge disadvantage.

Di, how great is this!! Genius!
Art by Karena
Everything in France seems like its better, and a french flea market seems like an enchanted treasure hunt!
dinner, dresses, decor, and dessert
Di, I meant to tell you about it the day we met but we never had enough time alone!
Can't wait to see you in September and really hang out!
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