Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The French Village Fete

a french village fete
On Saturday, in a village just outside Paris, there was a Fete being held and Charlotte's friends invited us to go along. It was charming and the
a french village fete
setting was glorious. The organisers made a beach for the kids to play in,
a french village fete
stalls showing things that baffled but treated the eye. A good time was had by all and the food was fabulous. Around the corner we
a french village fete
sat under the trees outside the local cafe. A melting pot of nationalities. Charlotte's lovely friends hail from all corners of the world. Her boyfriend Badara is the bloke standing up, he is as black as she is white, when they stand together they look like 2 chess pieces.
a french village fete
A stroll around the village was a treat in itself. Ivy clad lamp posts,
a french village fete
the village Lavoir where the communal washing took place in days of old, even a
a french village fete
place to wash your horse,
a french village fete
a peek into someone's huge garden with it's own woodland,
a french village fete
lilac draped over stone walls,
a french village fete
ancient turrets decorated with wild flowers,
a french village fete
even Calla Lilies grow in the village flower beds, beautifully edged with tiny wicker fencing.
a french village fete
I could have moved into the Bus Stop it was so pretty. Who would mind waiting for a bus in this village?


studioJudith said...

Di -
Thanks for sharing all these small special moments ... . I've never seen a community horse wash!

bathroom cabinets said...

The village fete is lovely to see as it has really some beautiful way to stay out there for relaxing.