Friday, May 14, 2010

French Finds - Maison Martin Margiela Or Not

Maison Martin Margiela
It's May 2010, it's Paris and it's the launch of Maison Martin Margiela's new white range. I was In Merci in Paris the other day and photographed a trompe l'eiol door then the battery in my camera a ran out. Had I known that this door was one of Martin Margiela's new collection I would have hunted for more pieces, alas I didn't so I have had to use images from Yatzer to show you. So near yet so far.
See their fun video here (I at least found that)
Maison Martin Margiela
Maison Martin Margiela
Maison Martin Margiela
Maison Martin Margiela
Maison Martin Margiela


Unknown said...

I saw want to visit this place! ~You just reminded me that i was planning to do a feature with white ballons a la Martin Margiela but as the minx' Bday is on Sunday, I doubt I will have the energy

Leigha said...

There are so many beautiful things in these images - thanks for sharing!