Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Into The 4th Week of Snow - The Views From Here

donkleywood in the snow
Oh yes it looks very beautiful here but after 4 weeks of it we have at last
Had snow tyres fitted to the car (on site)
Had a visit from a snow plough this morning (only after Harvey contacted our local councillor)
But have not had the bins emptied yet. 4 weeks of stinking rubbish from the 6 houses in our little hamlet sits in the wheelie bins on the green - YUK!
In the last picture here you will see a mound in the snow - it's the logs we had delivered last night for our wood burner - they had disappeared under 6 more inches of snow by this morning.
The snow has made the national news this morning but only because it has hit the South. WHAT ABOUT US??!!
donkleywood in the snow
donkleywood in the snow
donkleywood in the snow


James MacAonghus said...

I am in London, and Yorkshire has been in the news a lot too. Northumberland hasn't, but the fact that it doesn't register in the southern press/TV is one reason why it remains unspoiled.

Jan said...

Yeah, snowing in London MAJOR news ;)
(but at least I got to go home early today!)
I know it's bad for you, but it does look beautiful Di.

Unknown said...

Like you we've had a lot of snow (just outside Wooler), more tonight and now its way over the top of my wellies. And yes WHAT ABOUT US! Agree it's so annoying! We've not had the bins emptied either and with tonights extra snow (and no sign of stopping) we are going to be well and truly stuck. What's a snow plough? Do they exist in Northumberland?

Like you after so long I'm fed up with it, even my 9yr old son is fed up now :)

Fingers crossed it stops soon, but melts really slowly so we don't flood.

Keep warm and safe.

beauty comma said...

i know! it's the same here (and the western coast of norway isn't supposed to have much snow). snow for christmas is lovely, but its been four weeks here, too... oh well, before we know it it's spring!

babelfish said...

They look like marshmallows :) I am looking forward to more sunshine, the ice is dangerous over here...