Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Sit Down You May Faint

palace dinnerware by seletti
Guess what these are
palace dinnerware by seletti
are you sitting down - they are plates and bowls that when stacked
palace dinnerware by seletti
create Palaces. Wonderful! from Seletti


studioJudith said...

Beyond clever ... .
love the sketchy quality of the stacks.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty!

I have a question: what tv channel was that programme about modern art that you mentioned on?
I would love to see it.

Thea said...

Get out of town! That is one of the coolest, smartest designs that I have ever seen.

Anzu said...

I want these too! Very witty

Burlesque Gallery and Interior Design said...

These are beautiful...reminds me of Piero Fornasetti's work. very clever though!

Mélanie said...

They are beautiful . I've already thought about buying them . Seletti is a fabulous brand

Splendid Willow said...

OMGosh! Yet another post that I need to write with a link to you! How creative!

Di, thank you so much for your comment about little William. (Who BTW is doing just fine after surgery and one arm in a red (!) cast to go with my holiday decor. Haha!). You are always so generous and kind, girlie. You always have my 100% support.

Cyber hug, Mon

Kev - LG said...

I have a similar set of wooden block cities from Muji. I love it!

Parisbreakfasts said...

Exactly what I NEED!!!

beauty comma said...

i love this!! i'd display it in my living room and, as a bonus, get more space in the kitchen cupboards.

CJAHS said...

Hello, Do you know where I can buy the Palace plates in London? Thank you.

Di Overton said...

Selfridges and The Conran Shop are stockists according to the Seletti website.