Petithood is a French kids clothes shop which has some of the most beautiful pieces for kids and I was particularly drawn to this range by Twisted Twee. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I found out they were English.
Entente Cordiale.

Super.Very original clothing.Merry Christmas from Prag.
Ha ha - old Henry must be spinning in his grave !
It is adorable! i haven't heard about this french name. What I love in your blog, Di is that you make me discover FRENCH brands and I'm french and I've never heard about them . You may read so many magazines...
is that henry the 8th on the kid's bottom? *snigger*
I understand why I love the one with Henry.
I don't know why I can't stand the one with Obama.
Henry is definitely much more original, Obama's face is everywhere.
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