Friday, December 11, 2009

After three. One, two, three, Happy Birthday To You........

vanessa valencia
a fanciful twist strange beautiful lady
Wind back 2 years and there I was in my friend Tara's apartment in Paris, she of Paris Parfait fame and on the wall was this picture, I gasped and immediately knew I loved this artist

designers block banner
Not long after I decided to change the banner on my blog and the first person that came to mind, when I decided to depict myself in my everyday life, was Vanessa. I had never had so much fun since I discovered sex. Vanessa was a dream to work with and such fun. Never did she send me a boring email, every single one on was filled with her unique sense of humour and charm.
bath in a garden
I mean, who could refuse the services of someone who has a bath in her garden,
kitchen labels
who produces useful and beautiful things for the kitchen and
witches potion labels
then goes all crazy by producing labels for witches potions.
Happy Birthday dear Vanessa, may your day be full of joy.


Jan said...

It's a fab illustration.

Unknown said...

What a lovely tribute for Vanessa. She has truly changed the Land of Blog. Stop by for a piece of cake. I love your banner in a very fanciful way.

Rhonda Roo said...

I was drinking coffee when i read the line "..havent enjoyed anything as much as since i discovered sex" LOL! BRILLIANT!

although now theres don fransisco dripping from my nose.

She's a special person, who does bring joy and life and happiness, just!
Hee (my sons behind me reading this)

Thank you Di for your lovely tribute!

YAY for Vanessa being born!
YAY for you for celebrating it!!


Deborah said...

Oh you do have the best line ever there!!! teehee. Lovely tribute to our beloved Ms. V.

Anonymous said...

Isn't V just the best!! Love your post, tee hee ;-) Come visit our party if you get a second.

Jamie :)

a fanciful twist said...

I simply adore yoU! I was here twice yesterday, but my silly computer was doing a virus clean and kept acting so slow, that I had to go take a shower and go into town to part. I have Shirly Temple Hangover (too many cherries I think)

THANK you so so so much Miss Di, you are my long lost sister, I am certain of it ;) Much love, Vanessa

rochambeau said...

Wonderful Post Di!
Vanessa's the BEST!!
So are you!

Gill said...

Oh Di you are entirely funny!!! (the sex comment)
Yes Vanessa is wonderful.