Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Inside Toast Oxford

toast shop oxford
When I was in Oxford last week I visited Toast. They don't restrict their fabulous styling to their photographs, their shops are a sight to behold also. Just my luck the Sale hadn't started yet.
toast shop oxford
Windows dressed beach style.
toast shop oxford
Fabulous furnishings and accessories. Loved the Haystack Coffee Table.
toast shop oxford
Black Mustard and White was the theme.
toast shop oxford
Wellington Boots needed in all seasons here in the UK.
toast shop oxford
Footwear to die for.


Mélanie said...

Love this place ! You always share the best

Parisbreakfasts said...

very wacky!!!that bail o' hay

rochambeau said...

I like it. Good shops there in Oxford.
Even the bail o hay. ;-)


FrenchGardenHouse said...

shoot, when I was in Oxford I totally missed that~! {Maybe because I was with MEN?}
Love the bale, love the shop.