Monday, July 27, 2009

Come On a Garden Walk With Me, Around My Valley

the tarset garden walk
On Saturday afternoon we set off on The Garden Walk around our area. Truth be told Harvey and I set off at our friend's garden and missed out a few. Annie (top right) and Gavin (bottom left) have slaved for weeks to get their garden up to scratch.
the tarset garden walk
We weren't disappointed when we arrived. I have spent many a happy hour sipping rose wine on that swing and many a shocking moment falling off it.
the tarset garden walk
It's a four sided garden and wouldn't you put a table and chairs right there to take in that view? Excuse the stack of stones but they are building a conservatory right there.
the tarset garden walk
Annie is wacky to say the least and her garage design shows her wackiness to great effect.
the tarset garden walk
My favourite part of their garden is the huge sycamore tree. Big enough to have it's own garden at the base.
the tarset garden walk
Wellies full of sunflowers and an ingenious way of disguising a cable, keeping the electricity pole erect. Well done you two you made us all smile.
the tarset garden walk
The walk from Annie and Gavin's is a sight to behold.
the tarset garden walk
Fantastic views and take a look what we found behind those trees.
the tarset garden walk
Wadge Head is owned by 2 retired doctors and they haven't even got a gardener. The house and the views are to die for.
the tarset garden walk
A close up of them both. That's my reflection in the window which I captured to prove that I was really there.
the tarset garden walk
Doreen, Annie and Brenda (my personal garden advisor, her garden is amazing) needed to take a well earned rest, this is one huge garden with so many places to sit and take in the views.
the tarset garden walk
Trees on beautifully manicured banks and seats to sit and read amongst the trees. The pink thing is my thumb - not to self 'must take photography lessons'
Not only is Northumberland a fabulous county but the residents all know just how to make the most of it. And if James (who left a comment on my Birthday post the other day) is reading this - I hope this just confirms that you made the right choice when booking your August holiday here.


James said...

Yes it does :) one week to go.... Northumberland doesn't get the attention it deserves (although maybe the locals prefer it that way)

studioJudith said...

A lovely stroll ... .
through such a variety of beautiful gardens!
Thanks for inviting us to join you -


beauty comma said...

Now that's the kind of wackiness we need more of in this world! This looks wonderful - makes me consider moving to the countryside again... The view looks spectacular, even for a spoilt Norwegian like myself!
Hope your birthday celebration was perfect!

Ann said...

What a lovely place...
The view is breathtaking and the surrounding looks so serene.

Mélanie said...

What a wonderful place . You are lucky to be surrounded by such nature !!

Parisbreakfasts said...

You look good!

babelfish said...

Absolutely beautiful, and looks like a wonderful community.