Wednesday, July 15, 2009

And I Thought Butterflies Came From Caterpillars

butterflies from beer cans paul villinski
Well these don't they come from old beer cans - how clever is that? By Paul Villinski
butterflies from beer cans paul villinski
butterflies from beer cans paul villinski


beauty comma said...

Excellent use of beer cans. I like how the big butterfly consists of many small ones!

Splendid Willow said...

Di, Oh my gosh!! This is why I love your blog. You find the most amazing things that I have not seen before. I love, love this ueber creative artist. Thank you for sharing!

studioJudith said...

Finally , something REALLY clever
(and beautiful!) from beer cans .

rochambeau said...

OH so clever!
Must send Jenny Fillius to see. She works in tin!!


Mélanie said...

I'm totally in love with these butterflies and I love that is recyclec things

Kev - LG said...

This is lovely. Anything beautiful and sustainable gets my thumbs up!