Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Come With Tara and Myself Around Paris

Today I visited Tara (Paris Parfait) and she gave me some of THE MOST fabulous pieces of furniture and lamps for my Ghost Furniture range. When I can get to the car I will take a picture, you will be so envious. That women is a one off I tell you.
We set off from her home and turned a corner only to find these 3 amazing cushions/pillows on the street, they even had a bag with them to carry them away in. Tara laughed like a drain (she will love that) when I picked them up. Well wouldn't you?
Then we visited Agape and Oh Wow. I could happily have moved in.
The table was even set for tea.
Just loved those 2 lamps and the blackboard
Even the donkey looked at home.
After spending far too long chatting, eating, drinking and laughing we wandered around Isle St Louis finding wonderful facades and hidden courtyards. I swear Tara's picture of this ivy covered house will be so much better than mine.
We found giant tomatoes
Wonderful displays of grapes
and this menu. I mean if you are going to go to all the trouble of making wonderful food why not show your menu off like this?
Tomorrow I will be off to find Repetto, wish me luck. I shall report back.


Country French Antiques said...

TOO MUCH fun!!
I love that ivy covered house and I'm with you on the blackboard and lamps.
Have a glass of wine for me!!

The Paris Apartment said...

Oh to have been a fly on the wall! What a day you must have had! So glad you took pics. Looking forward to seeing more and hopefully meeting you myself there one day!

rochambeau said...

Thanks for taking me with you Di!! Makes me so HAPPY that two people I like so much could hang out! Agape looks cool, the menu takes the cake and of course I would pick up the pillows.


http://afancifultwist.typepad.com said...

Miss Di!! Furnishings from our Tara??? And lamps? An dpillows on the street!! Does it rain antiques in Paireee?

I wish I could have been right in the middle of the convo!! xoox

Gill said...

Oh Di if I knew you I would say "You lucky bitch!" but since I don't I shall have to introduce myself to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this humourous account of your day with Tara!!! You have a fabulous blog here, and I am linking you as soon as I figure out how to do it!!! (New to typepad, a bit of a pip with it too)

Josephine Tale Peddler said...

Paris is one of my favourite cities. And yes, I would have picked up those cushions in a flash! Enjoy your stay

Parisbreakfasts said...

Where ARE you? That place is in the suburbs of Paris?
Looks wonderful...

Anonymous said...

What can I say? swoon over the blackboard and lamps + the dining table is fabulous, I don't mind staying for tea!

Anonymous said...

One of the best things about Paris...the great treasures on the sidewalks. Hope your fun continues!