Monday, June 04, 2007

Stately Home From The Inside

stately home
I promised to report back on my evening in the local Stately Home. Well here's two pictures taken from inside the grounds. I drew a line at photographing inside as being British I have that crazy reserve (to an extent) when at functions.
The house is fabulous but apparantley only on the ground floor as the further you go up the more chance you have of bumping into a pigeon.
I know most members of the family and seeing them in this setting was a bit odd. At one point I decided to stop talking to people and just listen - it sounded like the House of Lords with very posh accents and guffaws (that's aristocratic laughter). I didn't drink too much as I had had one too many the night before whilst drinking with a Travel Reporter from the Telegraph in our local pub. It all happens up here!!
I seemed to spend all day in stately homes as I was at another one that morning having coffee with the owners and discussing renting a workshop from them to run Ghost Furniture from. This was an amazing property and I will report on it later.

stately home


Queenie said...

Sounds amazing, come on when are you starting a column in the Telegraph!!!!

Anonymous said...

The grounds look amazing, can't wait to hear more!

lotusgreen said...

that landscape is so lovely

Parisbreakfasts said...

Looks like Petsworth where Turner did a painter's residency so to speak...
Have you ever been there?
B E A U T I F U L !

paris parfait said...

Sounds like some intriguing possibilities!