Thursday, June 14, 2007

Start of a Journey

the fens
We left Northumberland on Monday morning and headed down to Cambridgeshire to stay at Harvey's sisters in Sutton. This little town is situated in The Fens area of England. Very much like Holland being very flat.
It is the most beautiful place with wild flowers growing on every roadside.
The river pictured here is The Backs behind Cambridge University. The weather has been wonderful and I feel as though my journey has been paved with flowers.
the backs cambridge


Queenie said...

I adore Cambridge, i lived at Wyboston Lakes for a while.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, having lived in the city all of my life and rarely able to visit beautiful tranquil places like these, I am itching to travel. Your photos look like postcards, absolutely stunning.

Gypsy Purple said...

If someone is looking for me today....I`ll be somewhere in that first picture.....

Unknown said...

That top photograph is art. ART!