Monday, June 18, 2007

A New Slant on Paris

paris shop front
I am a bit of a freak when it comes to symmetry as I can't stand anything to be on a slant or not lined up. Sorry but this is just the way I am. When in Paris last week I saw this poster on a news stand and I just wanted to go and straighten it. Imagine how demented I was when I came across the shop front that was completely tilted - clever but not good for me.
paris news stand


Anonymous said...

I have the same affliction from which you suffer! I am continually rearranging and straightening things. I recently leaned across some diners to straighten a picture on a restaurant wall! DH was very upset with me!

Anonymous said...

i am your twin sister on this one!

Queenie said...

My husband is the same, its so embarrassing when he starts moving things about in other peoples homes.