Tuesday, June 05, 2007

King's Chapel Cambridge - Dream of a Ceiling

King's Chapel Cambridge
I was watching a programme on BBC (the best) the other night and this ceiling in the King's Chapel in Cambridge University was shown. It was created to make you feel as though you were in a dream when you looked up at it. It took 70 years to build this chapel but it was certainly worth it. Stunning!


Anonymous said...

It would be an amazing place to get married in :)

Queenie said...

I've seen it, and my neck ached for days from looking up so long. Worth it though!

kenju said...

Magnificent! Do you have photos of the windows?

Anonymous said...

Seventy years is a lifetime! What dedication! An exquisite work of art!

paris parfait said...

Yes, incredibly stunning. I've seen it too and had a sore neck from staring so long.