Saturday, June 09, 2007

I'm Off To Paris Again

paris metro

This is one of my favourite sights. When I come up those steps from the Paris Metro and see the sky and those fabulous buildings it makes me feel so good.

I am off to Paris on Monday to visit my daughter, Charlotte. We are taking her vintage rocking horse over in the car for her new apartment so it will be interesting when we get to border control. Remember Troy!

I will be buying more furniture for Ghost (so excited) and eating lovely food. I will be doing daily posts of my finds whilst I'm there so watch this space.


Queenie said...

Enjoy, love your new look and can't wait to read all about your Paris adventures..........

Anonymous said...

Mucho, multo, muinto, tres jealouso! :(

Anonymous said...

Sounds so exciting. Can't wait to see what you find!

Gypsy Purple said...

Go savely...Helen...

Anonymous said...


I am contacting you because I am working with the authors of a book about blogs, and I'd like to request permission to use a photograph of yours in this book. Please contact me at, and I'd be happy to give you more information about the project. Please paste a link to your blog in the subject field. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

