Thursday, June 14, 2007

I Am Doing This In French

french baguettes
I decided not to bring my computer to Paris as last time I brought it here it got ideas above its station and tried to become French. So this ti,e I decided to use Charlotte's computer to do my posts.
Aaargh little did I realise how difficult this would be. The keyboard is French so letters are in different places and blogger thinks I'm French so it's using that language and I can't change it to English.
Little do you lot know how slow I am doing this but you're worth it.


Queenie said...

Pardon Madame!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Di for trying so hard to share with us, much appreciated!

Gypsy Purple said...


Anonymous said...

Merci! It is the smallest detail of misplaced habit that can upset the apple cart..