Saturday, June 09, 2007

Does My Blog Look Big In This?

new layout designers block

Well folks this is it - My New Style Designers Block. What do you think? It's not been an easy road but I am pleased with the results. I decided it was about time I changed to the new layout system in Blogger and to transfer all my ads and links was easy once I got into it.

Yes I have changed my photograph to a newer one as the other one was taken 4 years ago. I'm not getting any younger so I think you should see me as I am now rather than when I was younger. Brave or what?

I have created a new banner featuring Ghost Furniture. This wasn't an easy decision as I like the blog to be apart from Ghost but it's what I do so I thought it appropriate.

I did a post the other day about how much I love relief work and am so pleased I could incorporate that into the background.

I have moved my sidebar contents about to get my links further up the page and have added a new Friends list for anyone who wants to swap a banner link. If anyone is interested just email me or put a comment here.


Anonymous said...

It looks absolutely gorgeous. Love the banner. And featuring Ghost Furniture is a must. It is your mission to tell the world about the good work you are doing. Spread the word.

You may consider enlarging the text because the background now has a design pattern. Thus the text will be easier to read is it is larger.

Great work!

Anonymous said...

Hot mama! It all looks great and I love the relief background. Now, this banner does one do this? The writing is a wee bit on the small side - any chance of making it bigger or do I need to bite the bullet and get me some specs? Great job, Di.

Anonymous said...

Looks great. I think the new picture is nicer than the old - you look softer somehow. Was about to say that with the background (which is beautiful by the way)the text is now slightly less legible.

Ilva said...

It looks really great! I like the relief background a lot but I agree with Robin and Paola that it would be even better if you used slightly larger characters. (I'm happy it's not only me, it made me feel so old!)

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Di, you are proof positive of the possibility of 100% fabulousness at every age:-) REALLY.

Anonymous said...

You look great and your blog looks great!

Anonymous said...

This "wombus" (whatever the Hell that is) LUVs the new banner!!!

kenju said...

I love the background, and I agree with those who say that the font needs to be a little larger now.

paris parfait said...

Fabulous YOU and fabulous banner and new look! xo

Jen of MadeByGirl said...

Good job, i like the background you picked. goes with your blog quite well.

Anonymous said...

Looove your new look! Your banner is beautiful and I love the background (The color is wonderful!).

Gypsy Purple said...

Love the relief background---stunning!!!
Of course you must have Ghost Furniture in your banner!!!
And last but not are a the picture!!!

kstyle said...

Hi di,
Your new look is fabulous. Nice and clean but with your signature style! Love the raised relief background. And trust me I so know how NOT easy it was. And thank you for placing my little friendship banner ! I think it's a fun idea and Pink if your lurking anywhere in cyberspace right now I'd be glad to put one from pink mohair or casapinka on Kstyle. Thanks again di. k

Queenie said...

Well Di you absolutly fabulous!!
Just like your Blog...

nadejda said...

love the new look! and the new pic. too!

KLKinFLA said...

You look beautiful! I love your blog and would love to exchange links! I'll go ahead and add you.

Julie at Belle Vivir said...

love it Di. you did a great job.

Anonymous said...

I think your new blog design is wonderful, the relief pattern background is very elegant and very you! Love the banner design.

Susan Schwake said...

fun, textural and stylish!

Anonymous said...

Oh, lovely! I desperately want your background to paper my walls...

pusa said...

i love your new background! it's beutiful, did you design it?

Another Shade of Grey said...

I really like it. You are one tech savy lady. :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful; but print is too small.