Thursday, May 10, 2007

Come With Me On a Tour of The Shop Floor Project

The Shop Floor Project
This is one fantastic website - The Shop Floor Project. It's a shop which you enter just like a department store which has signs to tell you which floor which items are on, with signage to direct you to the correct department and not only that but when you get to the departments they are full of the most gorgeous stuff imaginable.
I know how difficult this must have been to design and make work so if I had to vote for the best website I have ever seen this would be my choice.

The Shop Floor Project
The Shop Floor Project
The Shop Floor Project
The Shop Floor Project


- Susan - said...

wow! how interesting! I just went upstairs and found a nice wallpaper called 'Peking'.

Good night from Beijing

Anonymous said...

I found your blog today, and I really enjoy it, so I add you to my blogroll. I have a designblog as well (in Swedish...) I am interested in the eco-chic things I read that you are engaged in. Where can I read more about that? Perhaps I just need to search your blog a bit more.

Di Overton said...

Welcome and thanks for the compliments. My Ghost Furniture website is which is just a holding page at the moment. I will be announcing it on the blog when it goes live, which will not be too long now.

kstyle said...

Yet another wow but can't help it. As I slog along trying to design my new blog websites like this remind me of what an amateur I am. k

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. A gorgeous, gorgeous site, but I'm not so keen on it from a usabilitiy standpoint. Lots of unnecessary clicks and I found it difficult to navigate.

But maybe it's so beautiful that you want to keep clicking around. And maybe I'm just trying to convince myself that it's not as nice as the mirrormirror site.