Sunday, March 25, 2007

Let Me Introduce You To Marcie

This is Marcie Overton born at 8.30am Sunday 25th March 2007. Our 6th grandchild. Cute isn't she?


au poussin bleu said...

Toutes mes felicitations, a la maman et a toute la famille.

a. said...


kstyle said...

Absolutely adorable. Congrats, k

kstyle said...

Absolutely adorable. Congrats, k

~Plain Jane~ said...


She is adorable!

~ Amy ~ said...

Ohhhh, so precious and beautiful! Congratulations Grandma! I hope she lives near by so you can visit her often.

Gypsy Purple said...

May you be so blessed....
I have heard yesterday that one of the babies (my son`s) will be a daughter don`t want to that will be a surprise....both are expected in September

Queenie said...

Hello Marcie, welcome to our world.
Congratulations to all your family.

Anna Spiro said...

Oh Congrats Di!! She is so gorgeous!!