Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Site Meter Speak To Me

site meterYou know that little box at the foot of my blog's page? That lets me know who is visiting this little site and being the nosey person I am, I love to go and see where you come from and what you like to look at. Anyway mine has stopped letting me in to look. I have sent Site Meter an email but as yet I have had no response. If anyone out there has had the same problem please put me out of my misery.


Parisbreakfasts said...

I don't even see your Meter?
Maybe it went private on you..
Ask Corey. She knows.

Marc said...

I've been having the same problem, over the last day or so. I've noticed in researching this, that it seems to be affecting everyone who has an "s26"-server sitemeter account. I've sent several emails to them, but they may be on Thanksgiving holiday or something. No response yet.

It's not just you, if that helps any. ;-)

Di Overton said...

It's fixed. Thanks for your comments and to you Marc for letting me know it wasn't just me.