Thursday, October 05, 2006

Simone Walsh @ Etsy

Simone Walsh @ Etsy

Simone Walsh @ Etsy

I've just done a recommendation on and noticed that a girl with a blog called Adorneya (good blog as well) had listed something from Simone Walsh at Etsy, an Australian designer, so I went to take a look. Love her work simple yet beautiful.
I think I'll go take another look at Etsy. I keep meaning to look but keep forgetting. I'm off!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Di. I just came across this blog entry - thanks for the lovely words about my work! I actually found you on a week or two back - you have a wonderful list there! And I've enjoyed your blog posts on This Next too.

I definitely recommend a good poke around Etsy. There really is a lot of hidden treasure there. Soon the new version of Etsy will be launched and hopefully it will be easier to find (although perhaps that's a bad thing!).