Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Paris - Missing You Already

Paris Marais

Paris Marais

I was sorting through my photo file and came across these pics from Paris and I realised how much I miss the place already. Everytime I go there I discover something new. I can't think of another city that does that. I can see why my daughter doesn't want to come back to the UK.


Anonymous said...

Why don't you buy your self a little studio so you can spend some time with your familly and you can do bussiness at the same, You might find your daughter to be enchanted by the idea, as long you don't leave with her so you are not troubling her
Diane from gib

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

Wait until you see the markets in Marseille!! Paris is beautiful but Marseille has a light that captures everyone's hearts!