Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I Found a Local Genius

Paddy Killer

Back in the 80s when I was a knitwear designer I had a girl working for me that had a degree in embroidery.
She would apply calfskin and beads to the knitwear and her work was stunning. Whilst sitting sipping a coffee last night I picked up a catalogue about The Art Tour which is held in Northumberland, UK every year where local artists open up their studios to the public. These images caught my eye and I decided to visit the artist's site. WOW! The work that goes into these pieces beggars belief. Paddy Killer has been commissioned by the good and the great and I had never even heard of her. The Door Frame you see is painted and embroidered and was used in an exhibition in Belsay Hall, of which I have written about before. Go to her site and see even more amazing works of art.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Northumberland Art Tour????? Will it still be on when I am there in two weeks?