Monday, March 20, 2017

And Here's What I Bought in Paris

shopping in paris
A huge flower made from thick, soft, crinkly paper and
shopping in paris
when I say huge I mean HUGE.
shopping in paris
This is how the French present something. So beautiful you don't want to take it out but
shopping in paris
 inside is a fabulous fabric flower bracelet.
shopping in paris
2 gorgeous grey linen pillow cases for my bed
shopping in paris
and 2 pearlised leather and linen cushion covers for my sofa
shopping in paris
Lastly a pair of reading glasses that won't fall apart like all the others I have bought in the past.

Friday, March 17, 2017

An Afternoon Around Opera in Paris

Opera paris
Last Saturday I returned to Paris to visit the Grand Magasins as they call their department stores. I was more than a little disappointed as the area seemed a little dull. No wonderful shop windows to lick. Everything seemed to be very low key, trying not to attract attention. I'm not sure if this is the result of the terrorism that has unfortunately hit Paris or I just chose the wrong time to visit.
Opera paris
However this is a pretty impressive Apple Store.
Opera paris
Printemps in the sunshine.
place de madeline paris
I had the most amazing lunch in Place de Madeline. Salmon with dill creme and lentils
place de madeline paris
and with my cafe creme I was given a spoon that was a biscuit.
place vendome paris
Even Place Vendome was a let down. I found myself only taking pictures that took in the blue sky.
galeries lafayette dome
And I finished with a picture of the amazing glass dome of Galerie Lafayette.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

A Day In The Marais, Paris - Always a Good Idea

Merci shop paris
Last Wednesday I took a trip into Paris on the train. I spent the day in one of my favourite places - The Marais. Bittersweet really as it was a place Harvey and I used to visit a lot but hey life has to go on and it's still a favourite.My first stop as always was Merci on Boulevard Beaumarchais. I was delighted that their Look at the Flowers exhibition was still on.
Merci shop paris
The whole shop was full of flowers 
Merci shop paris
everywhere you turned
Merci shop paris
there were more
Merci shop paris
Even the clothes were made from flowered fabrics.
Merci shop paris
I had lunch in The Used Book Cafe on the ground floor. I loved how the carafe of water served with my wine had fresh mint in it. I was seated in the window in a corner where all the interior design books were so I was in heaven.
Merci shop paris
I ordered their version of boiled eggs and soldiers. These were SAS rather than soldiers and the Normandie butter pat was huge. Absolutely delicious.
place de vosges paris
I had a stroll around the Marais and visited the Art Galleries in Place de Vosges. Loved the electric blue Bhudda and
place de vosges paris
these huge spent matches with the tips carved ito faces.
Street cafe paris
Before catching the train back to Soissons, where I was staying with my daughter, I had the obligitory Wine and Cafe Creme and people watched for an hour.
SNCF train paris
The SNCF train I caught was like being on a Disney ride with its bright colours and pin point lighting. This is how to design trains.

Monday, March 13, 2017

I Wnat To Buy a Cement Factory

an old cement factory converted in spain
  If I knew where I could find an old cement factory I would happily live in it if I could do this to it.
an old cement factory converted in spain
This amazing place is in Spain and was designed by Ricardo Bofill and is now his home. I am envious beyond belief. Found at House and Garden
an old cement factory converted in spain

an old cement factory converted in spain

an old cement factory converted in spain

an old cement factory converted in spain

an old cement factory converted in spain

an old cement factory converted in spain

an old cement factory converted in spain

Thursday, March 09, 2017

A Little French Secret

la maison pernoise
I love this French website/concept store. Such innovative and unusual items. I'm toying with the idea of buying this for my bedroom, so handy for hanging clothes instead of throwing them on a chair.
la maison pernoise
  If you have a terrace or a balcony you can happily exercise on this ball.
la maison pernoise
A typical chic French poster
la maison pernoise
Love this jumpsuit
la maison pernoise
And if you have a home by the sea these fish lights are perfect. All from La Maison Pernoise

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

​ The French Aren't Litigious They Just Take Responsibility

Salon International de l'Agriculture
​On Sunday Charlotte, the children and myself visited Salon International de l'Agriculture in Paris. Yes in Paris not in the countryside.

Salon International de l'Agriculture
​It was HUGE. Live sheep, goats, cattle, pigs and anything else edible all inside and accessible to all and amazingly it was all spotless. Fresh hay replaced any soiled hay in seconds. I have no idea how they do it but it bloody works.

Salon International de l'Agriculture
​I have never seen so many different breeds of animals in my life. Most were massive. In fact it was more like a Mr Universe competition.

Salon International de l'Agriculture

Salon International de l'Agriculture
​The food halls were separated into French Regions and the fresh foods on sale and the ready to eat versions were to die for. We had a Normandy Duck Sausage Sandwich each which we could have fed an army with. A glass of regional wine was €2.

Salon International de l'Agriculture

Salon International de l'Agriculture
​The children are only 6 and 18 months but they had a ball. Tiana did a blindfold tasting test and was rewarded with a kid's cookery book and some goodies. Josh was just happy to run around and look at the animals. 
Salon International de l'Agriculture

Salon International de l'Agriculture
​The children were allowed to touch the animals but it was left up to the adults to keep them safe. After all isn't that what adults are supposed to do? To be honest the children seemed to instinctively respect the animals which I suppose comes from being allowed to be free around them.

Salon International de l'Agriculture

Salon International de l'Agriculture

Salon International de l'Agriculture
​We British are too quick to blame the EU for our Nanny State, this proved to me that it's not the EU it's the crazy litigious society we have created. Too quick to sue someone instead of taking responsibility. We have stolen our children's childhoods from them for money and for that I feel very ashamed.