Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Adding Vivid Colours Can Cheer You Up

Adding Vivid Colours TO MY ROOM

Just before Christmas I posted about how I had painted my floor white
I have not regretted it for one moment but just recently I had a yearning to see some pops of vivid colour in that room so I painted the 2 carver chairs from the dining suite in raspberry pink and acid green, reupholstered them with some vintage hand painted linen from Provence and I hope you agree with me when I say it has cheered things up no end.
Adding Vivid Colours TO MY ROOM
This blog post is part of the mydeco.com ‘Pass It On Living Room series’, a collaborative blogging project.


Unknown said...

And it's looking good! I'm in black and White mood at home at the moment

vicki archer said...

Love...love ...love Di....xv

Isvánka said...

Its a fantasy amasing room. http://newwebstyles.hu