Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Sneak Peek of My Cottage on Design Sponge

ghost furniture on design sponge
Yesterday my cottage was featured on Design Sponge, the Mother of all design blogs. A big thank you to Grace and to Anne of Pret a Voyager who wrote and compiled the piece.
I have to say I feel a little guilty because I tend to take for granted what I have . The comments left on the post blew me away and made me look at my life in a new light. Speaking of light my
ghost furniture on design sponge
bath seems to have caused quite a stir on the web as it has internal lights and becomes soft when filled with hot water. Strange but true. My
ghost furniture on design sponge
staircase seems to have caused a similar stir.
Thanks again to everyone who made me stop and think again.


Julie at Belle Vivir said...


Congratulations. Your home is beautiful. What staircase. I wish you very happy holidays.

Hugs and kisses.

P.S. I added a bottom link of your store on one of my sidebar.

EFT Therapy said...

Such a lovely home and beautiful staircase!

vicki archer said...

Di....everything about your home is heavenly...as I imagined it would be. Happy Christmas and I hope the snow is not causing you any trouble....xv

Unknown said...

So funny, I was just thinking of you today (not knowing you were being featured) and how we still need to do your room with a view. Hope all is well and that you are enjoying the last few days before christmas!

xo Mary Jo

Tanya Boracay said...

Oh great, lovely house, the bathtub is so big, hahaha

Just like to share with you a funny quotes...

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying." - Woody Allen

You can get more funny quotes at http://quotelandia.com/category/funny

Laura said...


I just came by a shop selling your furniture and I was intrigued by the name 'Ghost furniture' and the way it's styled. And I ended up on your blog. What a beautiful house you have! I'll be checking your blog more often.

Regards, Laura