Monday, January 25, 2010

If Only I Had a MacBook

the bookbook by twelve south for the macbook
Decision made - I will get myself a MacBook if it kills me, especially now you can buy these amazing covers for them. The BookBook by Twelve South
the bookbook by twelve south for the macbook
the bookbook by twelve south for the macbook


Enzie Shahmiri said...

This is pretty cool. I am thinking of converting as well :)

Jan said...

It's clear you're going to have to go for it.

Lynne Rutter said...

i have a macbook- and i can't wait to find one of these covers!

Made With Love Cards & Event Stationery said...

Oh my! Now I REALLY want a mac book. This is so cool.

Jeanne Henriques said...

Very cool! I love any version of Mac...can't live without them! Good luck!

studioJudith said...

Take the leap
Go Mac!
I've been a Mac girl for many years ... . and ordered one of these wonderful cover just a couple of days ago.
Even though I've put myself in a
buying moratorium .. . I couldn't
pass this beauty up.


I went for the red leather.

Splendid Willow said...

But I am so happy with my PC!! But that cover... Mac could almost win me over! (I can just hear that conversation between myself and hubby). Miss you, girlie! xx Mon

Anonymous said...

Go for Mac, you'll love it. And with these gorgeous cases/sleeves... Thinking of upgrading my Macbook to Pro too, but then this iPad comes up...

Anonymous said...

Go for Mac, you'll love it. And with these gorgeous cases/sleeves... Thinking of upgrading my Macbook to Pro too, but then this iPad comes up...

Parisbreakfasts said...

that's what I HATE about the MAC
all that designer s**t
to tempt designers
all that designer-consciousness that really gets me

cukie6 said...

This is the coolest thing ever. Missed you Di. Thanks for the comment!


babelfish said...

What a great idea for a cover, just don't go throwing it about thinking it's a book :P