Thursday, January 28, 2010

Absent Without Leave

ghost furniture 2010
Sorry Sorry Sorry. I have been AWOL but I have a really good excuse - photography and more photography, collaboration and more collaboration, deliveries and more deliveries and writing copy and more copy for the revamped Ghost Furniture website which is NEARLY ready.
A little peek at some of the new pieces fresh off the camera, as a little gift for you being so patient. It's at times like these I can see the advantage of being an octopus.


stencil helen said...

Busy, busy lady. It will be worth it. When are you going to let us in on the collaborations?

Mélanie said...

I can't wait to see all what you've done !!!

Country French Antiques said...

Can't wait to see your new look, I'm sure it will be awesome!!

studioJudith said...

Looks like brilliant minds at work here!

Burlesque Gallery and Interior Design said...

Can't wait to see the entire collection. Good luck DI:)

Parisbreakfasts said...

Me too
Me too
Hurry UP!

Splendid Willow said...

I am waiting with great anticipation. Coming from you - it can only be great! Happy week, xx Mon

Ulla said...

How exciting! Your new things look temptingly wonderful!

Parisbreakfasts said...

What an adorable cell/portable that is!!!

beauty comma said...

you're forgiven! it's nice to see that you're successful. let us know when your website is done!

ps. i might be a bit slow on the uptake (i discovered your blog two years ago), but it suddenly hit me: designers' block - do you mean like in writers' block?

babelfish said...

Gorgeous pieces, looks like you had great fun creating them too!