If this was my mode of transport I would be one happy bunny but we are driving down

via Ross on Wye which is nearly in Wales and Hampstead, London to deliver pieces of Ghost Furniture to lovely customers. Take that route in and think of all the road works we will encounter on the way.

Crossing the channel is the easiest part - just drive onto the train and let it do all the hard work

Due to the fact that our daughter Charlotte now lives in the countryside outside Paris the drive is a dream, driving down those country roads lined with the trees that Napoleon had planted to keep the sun off his soldiers whilst they were marching - how thoughtful and

passing through medieval villages that take your breath away.

At the end of the long journey is our baby ready and willing

to feed you until you burst.

I can look forward to fresh French bread everyday, she lives opposite a Miller who bakes bread to die for.

On Wednesday I am off to Chatou to meet up with my gorgeous friend Tara, she of Paris Parfait, to gossip, put the world to rights (she is much better at that than me) and do

The Ham Fair or as the French call it - Foire Nationale à la Brocante et Aux Jambons - too much of a mouth full for me. Speaking of mouth fulls the food there is to die for not speaking of the 500 antique stalls

On Thursday our friends, Annie and Gavin, are joining us but they are flying in and out (lucky sods). Neither have been to Paris before so we are their guides. Where do we start?

I think a trip down The Seine gives a good overview (someone should tell that driver he is going the wrong way) and after that it's just a case of following your nose. My nose always leads me to a Bistro where I can sit at a pavement table and people watch.

On Sunday there is a 5 kilometre long Brocante in Torcy, a town close to Charlotte's village. Seventh Heaven, Cloud Nine, Eutopia and all the other places that aren't coming to mind at this time of the morning.

I wonder if I will be as lucky as this bloke who hit the headlines today with his Anglo Saxon Find in Staffordshire, I doubt it.

It's Paris Fashion Week when we are there so I can expect the streets to be full of French Chic, you know the sort of people that make you go - HOW ON EARTH DOES SHE LOOK THAT GOOD - when I am staggering about with aching feet even though I insist on wearing flats to get around.

Not for me those amazing but crippling shoes the French women manage to walk around in.

I will, of course, have my trusty Moleskine Reporter's Notebook and my laptop with me and will be reporting back on every stage of my journey so I wish you 'au revoir' (translated that is literally 'till the seeing again.') I by the way speak no French, I gave birth to my own translator.
Have a wonderful, wonderful time Di...I know you will, xv.
Next time come visit us in the 7e
wandered over from Paris Parfait ... so cool to see photos of the Staffordshire treasure ... and the moleskin photo is clever;-)
Lucky you. Since I received my little book 'Paris:Made by Hand' by Pia Jane Bijkerk I've been longing to return. Have you seen it?
Have fun.
You will have a wonderful time ! Going to Chatou ...lucky girl . When will you come to south of France . Do a bisou to Tara from me
Bon voyage! Enjoy! Especially the time with your beautiful daughter!
Very nice brocante !
Hope you all have a fab time. I'll be away til the 18th Oct. Will look forward to hearing about your adventures and purchases on our returns.
How exciting!
You and that Jambon Fair are joined at the hip and I always seem to miss it! HMPH
Have a ball Di.
Can't wait to see your discoveries!
Lucky you! Have fun!
The Anglo Saxon Find is amazing, thanks for posting that.
You are so sweet to tough this out for your loyal followers...keep the pictures coming! Your "baby" is adorable. Trish
Just found your lovely blog and I think you are the luckest girl in the world right now...off to Paris! Your images are amazingly lovely...I have never been but both of my teen daughters have...school things...go figure! One day! Enjoy your time away!
Oh, Di,
I know you'll have an absolutely wonderful trip! I hope the weather gods smile on you, and may your baguettes always be crunchy on the outside and fluffy on the inside.
I look forward to reading your updates /....
Hmm..I must say Paris is one of my favorite destination for shopping and relaxation. I remembered my first visit in Paris was way back 2003. And It was an unforgettable moments. Wow! I miss Paris. Have a good trip!
Is that a Moleskine external hard disk? Very clever!
Can't wait to see all the new photos of your trip. Have a grand time in France!
This sounds like a ton of fun and food too divine for words! Enjoy and I will enjoy as you recount every step. Hoping your internet gets sorted out soon!
xo Mary Jo
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