Thursday, August 06, 2009

It's That Time Again

di overton designers block
I have realised of late that my picture needed to be changed on this blog. You see I have had to acknowledge that I am now nearly 2 years older than I was on the last one. So this morning I took myself into our bedroom, shut the door and snapped away. I chose No.1.


Jan said...

The march of time - what can ya do ?Two years already !
You don't look any older Di, but like the new pic.

Splendid Willow said...

No.1 is perfect!

Noel Solomon said...

You are so cute! haha I like #1 and #4! :)

rochambeau said...

Love your new pic(s) and you.


You look good in red!

Alice Regan said...

They are all so beautiful ...#1 seems perfect. You are just so darn cute ...I don't think you could ever take a bad photo!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

A perfect choice! Love the red chic glasses!

beauty comma said...

No. 1 is brilliant (and your glasses are very, very cool)

Josephine Tale Peddler said...

I like them all but 1,8, and 10 are my favourites. You could rotate? xx

babelfish said...

Ooh, you are so much fun and as gorgeous as ever, love the glasses :)

Kev - LG said...

Good pic. Interesting how many pictures you need to take for a profile - I wonder what the average is - 10? 20?