Friday, March 13, 2009

Wallscapes - What's Real and What Isn't?

wallscapes by bless
These amazing Wallscapes are giant photographs applied to 4 wooden panels. It is so hard to tell which part of the room is real. Take a look at the Rossana Orlandi's website for loads more. It is fascinating just trying to work them out.
By Bless.
wallscapes by bless
wallscapes by bless
wallscapes by bless


Anonymous said...

Wow, they must be very high res, good quality prints because they're incredibly convincing! Bet they cost a lot!

I love the idea though - if the mountain won't come to Mohammad, take a photo of it and turn it into the new view from his office!
Goodbye office cubes, everyone gets a corner office with a view?!

Julie at Belle Vivir said...

This is fantastic. I love the second photo.

rochambeau said...

VERY interesting! This may help people who don't have nature ~ or a city scape (in my case) to feel balanced.

Thank you for your lovely note Di!!
