Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas from Me and My Family - Cast In Order of Appearance

my family
It's that time again. Can you imagine how long my Christmas shopping list is? Here's my family, each and everyone a totally different character to the other and I love them one and all.
May you and yours have a joyous time this Christmas and I am sure you will join me in giving a thought to those less fortunate than ourselves in this crazy world.
If you want a really close look then just click on the image and they all become HUGE!


Linda Merrill said...

Merry Christmas, Di! What a lovely family portrait! The shopping would be fun, it's the wrapping that would kill me!

Country French Antiques said...

And what a beautiful family it is!
Merry Christmas Di and Happy New Year!

Jan said...

Lovely pics- and hope you have a lovely time !
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Di
love Jan

Dallas Shaw said...

very nice of you- not fond of your xmas shopping! happy holidays di!

dallas http://www.dillydallas.blogspot.com

Parisbreakfasts said...

all I can say is, HORRORS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to have so many little ones in my family!

Merry Christmas Di!

Anonymous said...

What a good looking son you have, I want to have his children?

Anonymous said...

You have such a beautiful family, this is fantastic! Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

They are all so different and all so beautiful! Enjoy them and have a great holiday. Tell your son to look out for anonymous though!

Anonymous said...

merry cristmas too

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing pictures of your beautiful family. Happy Holidays to all of you.

Anonymous said...

Marry Christmas to all of you! I wish you joy and a lot of lovely presents!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful family! Have a marvelous holiday! Merry Christmas!

Good idea by the way about putting that photo on etsy, I'm going to do that.


Ulla said...

Hugs and kisses from across the pond to you dear Di! May your Christmas be bright and your New Year joyous!

Cabin 19 Supply Company said...

Stumbled on your blog this morning...love your comment about bringing furniture back from the dead and making it hauntingly beautiful! Merry Christmas!

Cabin 19 Supply Company said...

Stumbled on your blog this morning...love your comment about bringing furniture back from the dead and making it hauntingly beautiful! Merry Christmas!

yk.celine said...

Hello ! What a happy family......Merry Chistmas to you all......Celine

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Truly wonderful!!!!
I wish I could do Photoshop...but then I don't have an grand kidlets, so no need :)

rochambeau said...

What a beautiful family tree!
Hope your Christmas has been a happy time Di!!
So happy for you, your talent, that I have had the opportunity to know you!

Happy 2009!
May this be your best year yet!

Anonymous said...

Great photo! Rebecca doesnt look very happy!