Monday, December 22, 2008

Jo Pond - Making Beauty From Anything

jo pond jewellery designer
cocoon pins
First take a look at the the titles of these pieces.
Jo Pond is a unique jewellery designer. I have never seen such inventive pieces. they all include discarded items, even silk cocoons.
Statement from Jo Pond - I choose to incorporate inconsistent unambiguous items, to create beautiful yet disconcerting objects, focusing on the vulnerability of imperfection.
jo pond jewellery designer
book cover brooch with acorn
jo pond jewellery designer
cocoons essential for daily wear
jo pond jewellery designer
tin with brush and locket
jo pond jewellery designer
windmill brooch


Anonymous said...

That tin takes my breath away!!

Love the French blog photos below, will peruse when I get to my holiday destination ;)

Alllso, that fowl mouthed babe below makes me gigle. Reminds me of the kind of kid I would have with Mister Lovee, tee hee ;)

Happy Holidays Miss Di! You ae such a lovely girl and your daughters blog was fab!!! Can't wait for more visits to her!!

xoxo, V

Unknown said...

i too love that tin...such interesting concepts. really fun to inspect. great finds, as always. oh, and i checked out your daughter's blog. i love it!~
great recipes and fun musings. thanks for sending me!~

Jan Halvarson said...

Very beautiful - and Happy Holidays to you DI!

Denise Kiggan said...

Have a very Happy Christmas and Creative 2009!

savvycityfarmer said...

I must say, you dind the most charming stuff...but that's just like you ...from the first day we met.

I really do connect!

Thanks for stopping on over... I always enjoy your "knock" at my door.

Alice Regan said...

Once again Di have outdone yourself with the most eccentric jewerly! In fact ...I was just reading over some of your posts that I have missed and all seem to have a bit of the eccentric quality. I would expect nothing less from you to show us this side of inspiration! Wonderful!

Wishing you and your family a deliciously wonderful holiday!

Parisbreakfasts said...

this artiste has a deep inner need to go inside and weave a fantasy...
Or some such thing...
Quite astonishing!!!

Anonymous said...

I love her work, thanks for the reminder.