Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Meet My New Apprentices

Sonny Overton Age 3

Yesterday two of my grandchildren visited. They both fell in love with this little vintage, red chair that the lovely Tara (Paris Parfait) gave me. They loved it even more when they found my pot of paintbrushes and pretended to paint it.
They are now on file to become my apprentices at Ghost Furniture when I can trust them with the paint.
By the way these are Georgia's brother and sister.

Marcie Overton Age 18 Months


Gill said...

Beautiful children!

Anonymous said...

The children in your family are so gorgeous!

Oh Ghost Furniture helpers, yipppeee!! They are like precious cherubs, come to help you ;)

Anonymous said...

Aww...I'm sure they'll make great apprentices :)