Wednesday, April 30, 2008

In Your Face Tapestries - Jennie Moncur

tapestries by jennie moncur
I bought a copy of BBC Homes and Antiques the other day (fab magazine by the way) and there was an article on Jennie Moncur who does these fabulous tapestries. I absolutely adore them. So bold and so brave. In Jennie's words:
Each textile tells us that we rarely see things as a whole, but the interruption of one image by another can teases our sense of perspective and result in something quite joyous to behold.
Well it certainly teases me and makes me feel joyous.
tapestries by jennie moncur
tapestries by jennie moncur
tapestries by jennie moncur


Alice Regan said...

You never stop amazing me with all the beautiful things that you share with us. These textiles are breathtaking. I love the one hanging in the dinning room. It's so vibrant and beautiful.

Sea Angels said...

The colours of these are stunning, thanks for sharing Di . I just love to pop by
Hugs Lynn xx

Parisbreakfasts said...

What a terrific artiste!
Very sophisticated just like you ma dear.

blah said...

Di, never a dull moment on your blog!

Love the colour and boy are you one prolific blogger - i was only here not long ago and there are so many lovely new things to enjoy! you are an inspiration!