Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Zoom In On Paris Courtesy of Le Claireur

Le Claireur paris
I'm a great fan of Google Earth and Le Claireuer is one of my favourite Paris shops but what I am not a great fan of is websites that have flashy opening pages - once seen it gets boring, everytime you visit you have to look at the same thing before you get to the proper pages.
NOT in the case of Le Claireuer's website. It zooms in like Google Earth on its shops in Paris - I love that feeling of flying into a website.
Their shops are Wonderful - yes with a capital W. They sell Fornasetti so that alone is good enough for me but their clothes and everything else they stock is just stunning. If you are visiting Paris then you must go to Le Claireuer if you can't afford a visit then just vist the website and pretend you're there.
Le Claireur paris
Le Claireur paris


kstyle said...

wow, that is the most amazing website I have seen in a long time. I could get totally lost in it. Thanks so much for sharing, k

Marraine said...

L'Eclaireur is a great place!